It all started with bath salts. A very innocent item I might add. I have a habit of thinking to myself, "I would LOVE to be able to make that!" and then I think, "but it must be hard...". Then the thoughts have a habit of drifting away. Well, one cold, dark, depressing Alaskan winter, I decided to do something about the lack of fun bath salts in my house, and googled "how to make bath salts". It turned out to be way easier than I was expecting. Long story short, I now have several mixes of bath salts at all times, and my baths are never salt-less.
But, I had no idea what I was doing. I just said "ok I am doing this", hunted down the ingredients, threw them together and said "ta da?", and somehow that worked. I then looked up bath bombs and decided they were too complicated.
How does that story have anything to do with this blog? Well, since bath salts ended up being easy, I decided this year to just start trying things. No more wishing and more doing, that is my New Year's resolution, DO and MAKE things. Easy enough, I think...
I hope this will not be too boring of a read, I intend to include my horrific failures along with my successes. So let us raise a glass to projects done and projects to do!
Bath Salts:
- sea salt
- Epsom salt (mostly this one)
- kosher salt
- essential oils
Mix it all together in a jar with a lid and shake and shimmy with it around the house! TA DA!
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