Sunday, March 30, 2014

Now I know what Broody means….

A few months ago I purchased a few more hens. They all started laying at the end of February taking me from one laying hen to five! For the month of March I was a wanderer due to the farm being used by the owners family for a wedding. When I came back I had a broody hen. I have heard the term before but never had any firsthand experience with a broody hen.

Like I said I had other people watching the chickens and she had already been doing this for a week. I am not against having more chickens and was interested in seeing if my poor sweet rooster was actually doing his job. So I left her be.

A few days later when I went up to feed and let out the chickens in the morning, I was filling the water container when I noticed her get up to grab a bite to eat. I decided to peak in and see how many eggs she was sitting on...

I only saw one egg shape. And when I say egg shape I mean one of my fake eggs I was using to try and get the girls to actually use a nesting box. 

I guess in her defense it is a realistic looking fake egg....

After I stopped laughing I took her fake egg away and shooed her out into the run to play with the rest of the hens. I took the nesting boxes out during the day and at night picked her up and put her on a perch. It only took her about a day and a half to stop being broody and go about her chicken business. 

We definitely had a good laugh though! 

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