Sunday, November 11, 2012


I can tell you (and it is no secret) that I am 100% a city girl. Fishing, farming, and hunting were exotic things that I never did. Oh and chickens. When I was in 5th grade we moved to a different area of the city and someone in the neighborhood HAD CHICKENS! This was a huge deal. Fast forward many years and here we are.

I live on a coffee farm. I have chickens. Not going to lie, when I said "we can get chickens after you fix the coop" to my husband I was totally not expecting him to fix it that day, and go get chickens while I was at work. But he did and we have chickens.

At this point, us and the chickens is already a funny story. We have had them for a little over a week, and already have been having some crazy adventures. First thing you need to know is that here in Hawaii, we have wild chickens. Lots of them. The area I live could give Kauai a run for its money in terms of chickens. The first night we spent in the new place I was about ready to kill the roosters by the time the sun came up. I am sleeping through them better....

The "official" bird of the Island of Kauai!

So chickens. My husband went and picked up a rooster and three hens from an acquaintance. The rooster is beautiful! He is a huge black rooster with iridescent feathers. Being the cheeky late 20 somethings we are... we named him Black Dynamite in the hopes that he would continue to have lots of bitches (hens).

Black Dynamite

Well that first night, two of the hens made a break for it. The next morning? he only had 1 hen. We were sad. But we saw the other ladies hanging around and had high hopes of re-integration once the 3 day forced incarceration in the hen house was over.

Then the wait was over... over strode Black Dynamite followed by his main bitch (a beautiful large red hen) out into the coffee farm to explore. He immediately got in a fight, lost, and his hen followed the other rooster. That night only the one red hen was back, and for the next few days Black Dynamite would wander the farm, alone, but she would be back at night. Then about Wednesday last week she didn't come back. Black Dynamite was SO SAD! He didn't even caw in the morning. So, we got two new small hens!

New hens!

They are all still in the hen house for their 3 day trial. These young ones are spirited, and we have high hopes for them! Also the escaped hens and the large red hen have been hanging around. We hope all will be reunited soon!

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